Question: According to Galatians 3:26-29, all Believers are one in Messiah, and there is no longer Jew or Gentile. Why do you continue to make a distinction between Jews and Gentiles? Aren't we all Christians now, and no longer Jews or Gentiles?
Answer: Let's look at the passage in question: "For you are all sons of God through faith in Messiah Yeshua. For all of you who were baptized into Messiah have clothed yourselves with Messiah. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua. And if you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise."
Rabbi Paul is not teaching us that all earthly differences between men and women, and between Jews and Gentiles automatically disappear when we become Believers in the Messiah. "There is neither Jew nor Greek" is not meant to be interpreted literally any more than "there is neither male nor female." Men who believe in Messiah are still men. Women who have encountered Yeshua are still women. In fact, Rabbi Paul teaches elsewhere that there are distinct "roles" for the sexes. For example, spiritual leaders of communities must be men - not women. Men are to be the leaders of the home - not the women. If we understood Paul's words literally, and there were no longer any differences between men and women, then men could marry men, and women could marry women - something which is clearly wrong. Just as there are still differences between men and women in Messiah's New Covenant Community, so too there are differences between slaves and those who are free, and there are differences between Jews and Gentiles.
The New Testament itself makes distinctions between Gentile Believers and Jewish Believers. That's why Paul, who identified himself as "a Jew from Tarsus" could also say to the Gentile Christians in Rome, "I am speaking to you who are Gentiles (Romans 11:13)." In fact, it's quite possible that differences between men and women and Jews and Gentiles will continue in the Age To Come. In the book of Revelation, even though the Son of God is resurrected and glorified, He is still revealed to be a Man. Even more specifically, He is identified as belonging to the tribe of Judah and the Root of David (see Revelation 5:5). I find it interesting that throughout eternity, the names of the twelve tribes of Israel are written on the everlasting gates of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:12). In addition, "the nations" will walk by the light of the Eternal City, and the glory and honor of the "nations" will be brought into it. The leaves of the Tree of Life are for the healing of the "nations." God has ordained that followers of the Messiah come from every nation, tribe, people and language group; and these differences in language, culture and identity remain on Earth, and some may even endure into Eternity.
This ongoing difference between Jews and Gentiles manifests itself in several ways. For example, Messianic Jews should be circumcised for religious reasons, since we are still special participants in the covenant made with Abraham. Paul circumcised Timothy, since he had a Jewish mother (see Acts 16:1-3). On the other hand, Messianic Gentiles must not be circumcised for religious reasons, as Rabbi Paul makes clear in his letter to the Galatians. They are to be content with being circumcised in their hearts. However, Gentiles Believers may have their sons circumcised for medical reasons, but not for religious reasons.
So what does Rabbi Paul mean when he writes that there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor free? He means that for all who have joined themselves to Israel's Messiah, there is a new equality that we have. Now that the Messiah has come, we have a new and equal access to the God of Israel. He is equally our Heavenly Father. We can all come boldly before His throne of grace at any time. We all share His Spirit. We are brothers and sisters. However, earthly roles and differences remain. Yes, all who genuinely believe in the God of Israel and the Jewish Messiah are "Christians" - but "Christian" simply means a follower of Christ (Messiah - Israel's Anointed King); being a Christian does not mean that one's national and ethnic identity are diminished. (Loren Jacobs)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Neither Jew Nor Gentile
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Hello! My name is Anders Branderud and I am from Sweden.
You use NT in your argumentation.
Historical fact (the research of James Parkes; Charlesworth; Barrie Wilsson and other Scholars at leading universities implies this) is that Ribi Yehoshuas was a Pharisee.
The earliest extant Church historian, Eusebius further documented (EH III.xxvii.4-6) that the original Netzarim accepted only the Jewish Tana"kh as Bible and only The Netzarim ("their own") Hebrew Matityahu (NHM) as an authentic account of the life and teachings of Ribi Yәhoshua, never accepting the the 2nd-4th century, heavily gentile-redacted (Greek), NT.
Historical Scholars in leading universities (for example Bart Ehrman) agrees that NT has been redacted.
Ribi Yehoshua warned for false prophets who don’t produce good fruit = defined as don’t practise the commandments in Torah (Torah including oral Torah). See Devarim (Deuteronomy) 13:1-6.
Now you are confronted with the very words of historical Ribi Yehoshua. To follow him you need to start practising Torah non-selectively!
So why not start following Ribi Yehoshua? To follow him by practising the commandments in Torah including helping the needy gives true meaning of life!!
From Anders Branderud
Geir Toshav, Netzarim in Ra’anana in Israel ( who are followers of Ribi Yehoshua – Messiah – in Orthodox Judaism
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I want to comment about "grafted in".
[To differentiate,] The historical person was a Ribi [similar to rabbi] named Yehoshua.
It is highly relevant for Christian whom wants to follow the historical first century Ribi Yehoshua to know what was written in his authentic teachings. His authentic teachings were later redacted into the “gospel of Matthew”. In his true teachings one finds that he taught – just what is written in the Torah – that humankind are required to do their utmost to keep the directives in Torah [“the books of Moses”] non-selectively. Ribi Yehoshuas followers were and are named the Netzarim. They didn’t start the Church. Netzarim were a Jewish group in opposition to the Church. [note 2]
Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah - was a human, not an incarnate man-god; and the Netzarim never accepted the “NT”, since it contradicts Torah [note 1]. He was a spiritual son,just like all Jews (implies that they must be Torah-observant) and geirim (non-Jewish Torah-observant proselytes) are the spiritual sons of the Creator according to the Jewish Bible.
Ribi Yehoshua – the Messiah - lived and kept Torah – i.e. kept the directives in the Torah - with the sincerest of his heart, died innocently and became a sacrifice. Because of this the Creator can give His forgiveness for the shortcomings in keeping the directives in Torah of everyone doing his/her sincerest to keep His Instructions found in Torah; and to everyone turning away from their Torah-breaches to instead starting to do their sincerest to keep the Creators’ Instructions in Torah. This is perfectly in accordance with Yekhezeqeil [“Ezekiel”] 18 and Yeshayahu [de-Judaized to “Isaiah”] 1:17-18 in Hebrew.
That Ribi Yehoshua became a sacrifice, does not according to Tan’’kh, change the requirements of how to be included in to the pact with the Creator.
Relating to the Creator exactly in the same way Ribi Yehoshua did – i.e. observing the Creators directives in the Torah – leads oneself into an intimate relationship with the Creator, which is very meaningful!
1.: Proof of some of the contradictions in this link of a post in my blog.
2: All these statements are proven from the Jewish Bible and Scholarly research on the website Netzarim
Anders Branderud
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